Indeed, those [whom], has become due on them (the) Word (of) your Lord will not believe.
Verily, they against whom thy Sustainer's word [of judgment] has come true will not attain to faith
Lo! those for whom the word of thy Lord (concerning sinners) hath effect will not believe
Those against whom the word of thy Lord hath been verified would not believe
Indeed, those against whom Allah’s decree ˹of torment˺ is justified will not believe—
Those against whom the words of your Lord are justly carried out will not believe,
Those against whom your Lords word has been confirmed will never believe
Surely those against whom the word of your Lord has proved true will not believe
Truly, those against whom is realized through the Word of thy Lord, will not believe
Those against whom your Lord´s word has been confirmed will never believe
Truly! Those against whom the Word of your Lord has been justified, will not believe,
Truly those for whom the Word of thy Lord has come due will not believe
Those upon whom your Lord’s decree has been realized won’t believe.
Those against whom your Lord's Word is justified will not believe
Truly! Those against whom has proved true the statement of your Nourisher-Sustainer, will not Believe
In fact, those against whom the Word of your Lord has proved true will not believe
Surely the ones against whom the Word of your Lord has come true do not believe
(Even though all kinds of miracles will be shown to them) those about whom the word of your Lord has been ordained, will not have fait
Surely, those against whom the Word of your Lord stands settled will not believe
Verily, they who violate your Lord's Law of Guidance, will not believe (4:88)
There are those against whom the word of your Lord has come to pass. They will not believe
Truly, those against whom the Word of the Lord has been proved, (also) would not believe—
Indeed, those upon whom the word of your Lord has come into effect will not believe
Those who have deserved the retribution of your Lord do not believe.
Those against whom your Lord’s sentence is passed will not believe
Verily those on whom the word of thy Lord hath been justified shall not believe
Verily those against whom the word of your Lord is pronounced will never believe
Those against whom the words of your Lord are justly carried out will never have iman —
Those for whom the truth of your Lord’s decree (that they will die unbelievers and go to Hell) has been confirmed – they will not believe
Indeed those against whom your Lord’s judgement has become due will not have faith
Verily, those against whom the word of your Lord has been pronounced will not believe
Indeed, those whom the word of your Lord proved against them would not believe,
Those whom the word of your Lord, predicted would refuse to believe
Those against whom your Lord’s statement is justified, they will not believe,
Surely those against whom the word of your Lord has been fulfilled will not believed
Those who have deserved the retribution of your Lord do not believe.
Indeed, those, upon whom the word of condemnation from your Lord has in truth been decreed, shall not believe
No doubt, those against whom the word of your Lord has been proved correctly will not believe.
Surely, those condemned by a decree from your Lord cannot believe.
Those against whom the Word of your Lord will be realized will not believe
Surely those against whom the word of thy Lord has proved true will not believe
That those who God's word/expression (was) deserved on them do not believe
Those who (in account of their attitude) have already been condemned by God, will never believe
Indeed those for whom the Word of your Lord has proved true, will not believe
Surely, those against whom the decree of punishment of thy Lord has taken effect will not believe
(O Glorious Beloved!) Indeed, those against whom the judgment of your Lord has proved true will not believe
Verily, those against whom the verdict (of punishment) of your Lord has been confirmed will not believe
Truly! Those, against whom the Word (Wrath) of your Lord has been justified, will not believe
Those against whom thy Lord's word is realized will not believe
Verily those against whom the word of thy Lord is decreed, shall not believe
Verily, those against whom God's word is pronounced will not believe
Verily they against whom the decree of thy Lord is pronounced, shall not believe
Those for whom the word of your Lord shall be fulfilled will not believe
Truly those against whom the word of your Lord has been fulfilled will not believe.
Verily, as for those against whom the verdict (of chastisement) of your Lord has been verified, they will not adhere to Faith
Those upon whom the word of your Lord has come true do not believe.
Surely those who have earned your Lord’s word against them will never believe,…
Indeed, those against whom yoursg Lord’s Word proved true do not believe,
Those against whom your Lord's word has been confirmed will never believe
Surely those whom your Lord’s Words were truthed upon them would not be believing.
Surely, those against whom your Lord's word [of judgement] has come true will not believe,
Indeed, those upon whom the word (the eternal verdict) of your Rabb has come into effect will not believe!
Verily those against whom the Word of your Lord has proved true will not believe,
Indeed those whose thoughts thrived on disobedience have verified Allah's divine preordination declared in words thus: "These were born to it; they shall not conform to Allah's will nor to His system of faith and worship."
Those on whom the word of your Fosterer has proved true will certainly not believe,
Indeed, those upon whom your Lord's word is proved true will not believe,
Those against whom the word of thy Lord hath been verified would not believe
Indeed, those [whom], has become due on them (the) Word (of) your Lord will not believe
Inna allatheena haqqat AAalayhim kalimatu rabbika la yu/minoona
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